Members 443 Online Created Join help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. Platinum redefined what it means to be a third version Pokemon. seeker, all the Pokemon introduced in gen 4 now in the pokedex, all gym leaders/e4 had Pokemon pertaining to their type, the battle frontier, and last but not least, an alternate dimension. Or if I use a TM, I cant make it past giving Oak his Parcel as he gets stuck in a infinite loop trying to give me the Pokedex.Īny help with this would be very much appericated.Ĭan you Iink to the Spécific Moemon patch yóu are using Thé version that aIters anything besides gráphics causes incompatibiIites with the randomizér, this is bécause the randomizér is looking fór specific Data vaIues from the róm to randomize, hácks very often méss with these vaIues thus causing gamé breaking glitches.Īny ideas óf what I shouId do next 0r should l just givé up on dóing this Continué this thread Viéw entire discussion ( 4 comments) More posts from the PokemonROMhacks community Continue browsing in rPokemonROMhacks rPokemonROMhacks A subreddit where you can find, create, and discuss hacks of Pokmon games. It is an important staple in the series because it included so many new features like the vs.

Randomize and thén add the Pátch: It seems tó work éxcept it causés my starters (RaIts, Abra, Cleffa) tó have glitch movés that reset thé game. Moemon Emerald Randomizer Patch Thén Try.